Following the success of resident evil capcom began work on the sequel on shortly after releasing the first resident evil. scheduled for a March 1997 release and about 85% complete when the decided to scrap it and start over from the begining because the developers felt it was too similar to the first resident evil. it wasn't until January 21, 1998 and 8 days later for Japan on the 29 that it was released for the sony playstation. it ended up selling 46.9 million copies for the playstation alone.
The two new characters are leon S. kennedy and Claire Redfield both are new to Raccoon city but unfortiantly for them they wont get a long time to get to know the town. Leon S. Kennedy is a rooky police officer for the RPD (Raccoon Police Department) its his first day on the job while Claire Redfield his looking for her brother Chris Redfield Unfortanly for them they arrived at the city on the wrong day.
The game takes place two years after the first resident evil taking place in the city of Raccoon city several months after the mansion incident ( see the post below this to find out more information.) instead of using the same characters from the first resident evil capcom decided to start out with a fresh set of characters.
The two new characters are leon S. kennedy and Claire Redfield both are new to Raccoon city but unfortiantly for them they wont get a long time to get to know the town. Leon S. Kennedy is a rooky police officer for the RPD (Raccoon Police Department) its his first day on the job while Claire Redfield his looking for her brother Chris Redfield Unfortanly for them they arrived at the city on the wrong day.
They both encounter there first zombie shortly after entering the city. Claire encounter her first zombie in a restraunt while leon meets his in the streets. shortly after there close encounters they run into each other and decide to team up. upon finding a abandon police car both of them get into it and head to the police station.
The gameplay is essentially the same. the characters are both are moved using the D-pad. picking up and using items with the X button
Over all the game is the same has the first one when it comes to the controls, story wise its a great new experience and addition to the story.
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